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To Build Influence


American Association of School Librarians Conference                                                         

Louisville, Kentucky

16 November 2019


Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D.   
Literacies and Libraries Consultant

Adjunct Associate Professor,
iSchool, University of Illinois, U-C




Let’s explore the school librarian’s unique opportunities to influence teaching and learning in our schools. Using the School Library Evaluation Checklist, participants will engage in a collaborative process for shoring up key “collaborate” behaviors that lead to maximizing the effectiveness of partnerships. As empowered school library leaders, participants will leave the session with strategies and tools to co-lead alongside administrators and other educators to transform learning communities.


Thank you...
for participating in our session and/or for joining this wiki.
If you would like to continue the conversation,
I have created an additional page where we can share ideas, questions, and solutions.



Presentation Slides  Collaborate_to_Build_Influence_111619.pdf




AASL School Library Evaluation Checklist (Selected Indicators): AASL School Library Evaluation Checklist.pdf

Maximizing School Librarian Leadership: Building Connections for Learning and Advocacy (ALA 2018)


Figure 2.2: Levels of Library Services and Instructional Partnerships: Moreillon_Figure_2.2.pdf


Figure 2.4: Coplanning and Coteaching Assessment: Moreillon_Figure_2.4.pdf


(Additional Web Extras available for free download) 


Diffusion of Innovations Graphic (for strategic planning):  Diffusion of Innovations_4_Handout.pdf




Moreillon, Judi. 2018. Maximizing School Librarian Leadership: Building Connections for Learning and Advocacy. Chicago: ALA.


Moreillon, Judi. School Librarian Leadership Blog Posts, including

Book Study - Introduction and Nine Chapter Summaries

Podcasts - Preview and One for Each Chapter




Twitter handle: @CactusWoman

Blogger: http://schoollibrarianleadership.com

Email: info@storytrail.com






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